Octobers Golden Treasures

Chantrelle  Mushrooms are like little golden nuggets of goodness that pop up after a hot summer and a nice rain.  Not only are they beautiful but they are also scrumptious! Take a look!

I use them in Chantrelle Soup, which is a recipe I will have to share (although it really is like most other mushroom soup) and we also pickled some - which is a top secret recipe that I can not share. 

You do need to be careful when picking these gems because there are 'fake' chantrelles that disguise themselves as the real thing, you can always tell by the gills, the gills on the fake ones will always end in a nice neat line while the real ones have gills that stop unevenly like you can see above.  

Chantrelles have a very delicate flavor, I find that the best part is the texture, and I love to just gently fry these up with some butter, garlic, s&p. 
They would make a great accompaniment to any kind of protein, and last night I added them to stirfry.